მთავარი რეგისტრაცია
Improve Employee Engagement through professional Coaching

Did you know 70% of of the variance in team engagement is determined solely by the line manager?
And that Great Manager’s most important capability might be coaching skills? Employee engagement should be a manager's primary role responsibility. Managers are in charge of ensuring that employees know what work needs to be done, supporting and advocating for them when necessary, and explaining how their work connects to organizational success. To succeed in that responsibility, managers need to be equipped to have ongoing coaching conversations with employees. Unfortunately, most managers don't know how to make frequent conversations meaningful, so their actions are more likely to be interpreted as micromanaging without providing the right tools and direction.
Please be prepared to observe demo session where Stefan will be coaching one of you on volunteering
basis on real employee engagement issue you might have while others observe and later we reflect Together.

Misha Gabunia Certified Coach, ICF
Stefan Bannach PCC, ICF

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